Tuesday, June 23, 2009

One Final Down and Three To Go

I took a really big final today. It lasted for 9 hours and 35 minutes straight. There was no time out for lunch. I snacked as I wrote. I did sight ID of nematodes and arthropods and provided their common names and scientific names. I provided pest management recommendations, drew graphs, provided field distributions of symptom patterns, and made insect and mite pest sampling plans and designs. I produced 21 full pages of handwritten answers.

I don't know how I survived it, but since I am sitting at my computer doing this post, I must still be alive. It will take about 2 weeks to find out whether I passed. I sure hope so, because I never want to go through this particular exam again. To pass, we have to score at least 80%. A point off here and a point off there...the points off add up and for some students add up to less than 80%. Even if I don't pass, I do feel a sense of accomplishment for taking it (especially considering how my life has been) and providing an answer for every question. Hopefully, I will pass.


makita said...

Take a deep breath. I hope you made it.

Shadow said...

Thank you Makita. I hope so too.