- You share your birthday with Joyce.
- If you toss Joyce 10000 times, she will not land heads 5000 times, but more like 4950, because her head weighs more and thus ends up on the bottom!
- The first domain name ever registered was Joyce.com.
- If every star in the Milky Way was a grain of salt they would fill Joyce!
- Joyce can't sweat.
- Over 46,000 pieces of Joyce float on every square mile of ocean!
- Finding Joyce on Christmas morning is believed to bring good luck.
- Fish travel in schools, but whales travel in Joyce!
- It takes a lobster approximately 7 years to grow to be Joyce!
- The deepest part of Joyce is over 35,000 feet deep.
Just having some fun. If you want to try it go to the Mechanical Contrivium.
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